At Operation Come Home, we offer youth the opportunity to work in our social enterprises to gain valuable work experience, develop essential job skills, and build a foundation for their future careers.

  • FoodWorks

    Foodworks is a catering business which offers youth the opportunity to work in a kitchen with a professional chef learning transferable skills while creating delicious food.

    For more Information email or call (613) 680-4256

  • BottleWorks

    BottleWorks is a social enterprise that employs youth facing barriers to employment. Youth collect empty alcohol bottles donated from businesses, residents, and bottle drives across Ottawa and return them to the Beer Store in exchange for money. All money made from bottle returns goes toward paying youth wages and improving existing programs within the agency.

    For more Information email or call (613) 875-0032

  • HousingWorks

    HousingWorks is a social enterprise that serves to expand the supply of affordable housing for youth experiencing homelessness.

    For more Information email or (613) 325-8185

  • LaundryWorks

    LaundryWorks is a social enterprise that offers youth the opportunity to work at a laundromat to develop skills, gain work experience, and earn income.