The Youth Employment Works (YEW) program is a 17 week supported employment program which assists vulnerable youth between the ages of 16-29 to prepare, find and retain meaningful employment.

Youth that participate receive financial support while they are in the program.  They also receive training, certificates, help with resumes, and many other skills to help secure employment.  

Program Information

Youth that participate in the YEW supported employment program are those that may not have completed high school, have a disability, suffer from mental health/substance use challenges or other challenges that come with being a New Canadian, single-parent or a visible minority. The program consists of two phases:

Youth begin the program by attending 5 weeks of full-time, paid, intensive in-house employment preparation in a group setting with an employment support worker. The preparation phase of the program includes job search, resume support, financial literacy training, CPR and First Aid training, individual placement and support plans and assistance with job search and employment placement. 

The youth and staff will work toward securing jobs by the fifth week of the program. When employment has been secured, the YEW staff will continue to support participants through their first three months of working.

The staff strive to ensure that youth find jobs in a sector based on their skills, interests, experiences and abilities. The youth have the option to search for their own job or to consider accepting a position with employers already partnered with the YEW Program. Employers who hire a youth are offered and encouraged to accept a subsidy that provides the employer with a portion of the wages as an incentive to be used during the training and probationary period.

Join Youth Employment Works

If you’re interested in applying to the program or employing a youth enrolled in the program, please contact, or register using the button below.