The good deeds of RE/MAX Hallmark, and our friend Sylvie Begin

As we continue our focus on gratitude, Operation Come Home is grateful for both RE/MAX Hallmark and Agent Sylvie Begin. Sylvie is a volunteer in the drop-in centre, a mother, and a resident in the Bank Street area. RE/MAX Hallmark says,

“At the heart of RE/MAX Hallmark is a deep commitment to the communities we operate in. That’s why we developed our exclusive community programs.  We Are Not Bystanders…making a difference is critically important…what you do matters.  A company is not what they say they are, a company is what they do.” 

In keeping with their philosophy, RE/MAX Hallmark provides funds for the Cactus Drop In Centre at Operation Come Home.

For Sylvie, the thought of homeless people in her neighbourhood, especially youth, was upsetting to her. We live in a city and country where everyone should have a place to call home. Being a real estate agent she sees houses every day so to her each youth should have a place to go.  She contributes by spending time with the youth and sorting clothes in the clothing bank at Operation Come Home.  Her passion is to touch the lives and hearts of the youth, and to make a difference.

Operation Come Home’s Drop In Centre is the hub of the organization.  It is a venue for at-risk and homeless youth to gain access to information and resources in order to develop positive options for getting off the street.  These programs and services encourage youth to move through a series of constructive steps. The drop-in is almost always the “first point of contact” where trust is built. From there, information and resources can be offered in assisting youth to move beyond street life. It is the only morning youth drop-in centre in the city.

RE/MAX Hallmark has done some truly innovative fundraisers for homeless youth in Ottawa. Last year at Christmas, they combined their passion for housing with their passion for helping the homeless with their sweet teeth, auctioning off gingerbread houses for the cause.

Youth gain valuable resources through the support of RE/MAX Hallmark and Sylvie Begin.  Thank you for taking action.  Please know that what you do is making a difference in the lives of vulnerable youth in Ottawa.