Take a Tour of OCH

pk-och-ericvancestudio (1 of 39)Take a tour of Operation Come Home!

At OCH, we are constantly changing and evolving so the best way to see what we are up to is to book a tour with one of our staff. This will give you and your group the chance to witness firsthand some of the incredible initiatives that OCH is currently operating and how we are working to further our mission by preventing homeless youth from becoming homeless adults.

Tours are available on weekdays between 8am and 2pm excluding statutory holidays.

Tour highlights include:

  • Social enterprise descriptions and history pk-och-ericvancestudio (26 of 39)
  • Innovative employment models
  • OCH’s built-in alternative high school
  • Reunite and its national reach
  • History of Operation Go Home to Operation Come Home
  • Informing a better understanding of youth homelessness in Ottawa

The cost for a tour is a donation from the group and tours can be booked by contacting Lynda Franc at lynda@operationcomehome.ca. Please provide us with your availability, the size of the group and the lead contact. If you would like to have a snack or lunch provided by FoodWorks, please include that information in your initial e-mail as well so that we can coordinate pricing, quantities and other necessary details.

Free tours are available on Thursday mornings between 8am and 11am pending scheduling confirmation with Lynda.